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Seed Blessing Ritual - Honoring our Losses and Gains as we move towards a post-Covid world

  • Village Wellness ONLINE (map)

'They tried to bury us, but we were seeds'
- Mexican Proverb

seed blessing ritual

This past year in quarantine and “semi-quarantine” has been life-changing, to say the least.

Re-emerging to "normal life" from "quarantine life" can have its own challenges. There is a power to acknowledging these thoughts and feelings, (joy, grief, fear, excitement, hesitation) and mark a moment of transition, so that we can consciously move forward into the new "normal", in a way that will best serve.  

The Goal of our Seed Blessing Ritual Ceremony :

To, in community, hold space and acknowledge the losses and gains of this past year through a Seed Blessing Ceremony. - an intentional time & space to honor what was and crystalize our learnings, gifts, and newfound strengths, so that we can move forward in a conscious way.


As a member of VIllage Wellness Online, this offering is provided at no cost. (donations are welcome). note: you are welcome to invite anyone who you think may benefit.

Please bring:

  • a letter-sized piece of paper

  • pen/pencil

  • a plantable seed of your choosing


If you are called to take part, please RSVP below for the Zoom link.