Lets Talk Cleanse

Lets Talk Cleanse
By Antanas Vainus, BodyMind Nourishment Coach

This time of year we often want to hold on to the memories of the holidays, but we want to let go of the 'holiday eating' ...With the new year upon us, it's a good time to 'talk cleanse'!

Let me briefly introduce myself… I'm Antanas, a BodyMind Nourishment Coach and a food magician.  A food magician is someone who has a deep understanding of nutrition and the body-mind relationship as well as exquisite culinary skill to create food that is delicious and deeply nourishing.

I want to invite you into an exciting conversation  about deep self-care. we'll start with exploring what and how to cleanse.  we may cover  juicing, blending, nourishing broths, green smoothies - sweet and savory, may even get into colon health, trampolines and dancing. the cleansing conversation is a fine line.  How do we cleanse in a healthy way that does not slow us down?  It's easy to get excited about detoxing -- getting unsupportive things out of the body. However in my experience, cleansing and detoxing are usually pretty unsustainable. the merry-go-round ride can become exhausting -- round and round we go. eat 'good' stuff, eat 'bad' stuff, get rid of 'bad' stuff, eat more 'good' stuff, etc, etc, etc.

If this is a familiar pattern and you're tired of the up and down, on-off, good-bad thinking, I invite you to come join me on saturday jan 25 at 2pm for a conversation to help you get off that ride and find a way back to nourishment - which cleanses and builds at the same time!

bring your friends and curiosity -- because there IS a way to have a deeply nourishing and loving relationship with our food... and ourselves!


Let's Talk Cleanse: A Facilitated Conversation
 Saturday January 25th 2-4pm
Wayne Family Wellness - Wayne, PA