Village Wellness. a main line holistic acupuncture center in Berwyn, PA 19312

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Surviving a Cult – a courageous healing journey to wellness and a powerful message of hope

Meet Village Wellness Member Lisa Kohn - An interview by Lance Isakov, Founder of Village Wellness

I have had the privilege and honor of working with Lisa about 7 years ago.  

Lisa recently released her memoir about growing up in a religious cult, entitled “to the moon and back: a childhood under the influence” - (Note: Lisa's book is available everywhere books are sold - And you can pick up  a personalized, signed copy AND support your local indie book store at Main Point Books in Wayne, PA.)

I have asked her to share her incredible and inspiring journey towards wellness with all of us and she has graciously obliged. 

BONUS: Got questions for Lisa or want to hear more? Catch her LIVE with me on ZOOM Wednesday February 3rd 1:30-2:30 pm (RSVP - see events in the left menu)

Name: Lisa Kohn (say hello to Lisa)
Age: 57
Location: Wayne, PA
Work: Owner of Chatsworth Conulting Group (a leadership consulting and executive coaching firm) and award-winning author,

When did you know that a path towards greater well-being was important to you? .

I began to pull away from the church [Lisa was raised in a religious cult - sometimes called the Moonies] at the end of high school/beginning of college, and I shut down. I – spoiler alert – almost jumped off a bridge, became anorexic, did a hell a lot of cocaine, and got into really, really destructive relationships. I ended up, at the age of 24, my older child’s age, engaged to be married to someone who drank a hell of a lot and who was really mean when he drank. Someone pointed me to Al-Anon – the 12-step program for those of us hanging onto the alcoholics. I walked in hoping they would tell me if he my fiancé was an alcoholic, because I thought there was no way I would ever be with an alcoholic. I thought I was way too smart for that…because I was extremely functional on the outside and didn’t realize how broken I was on the inside….

👉🏼 Read Lisa’s full interview at Village Wellness Online

Village Wellness Online is a safe and inclusive, online gathering space where holistically inspired, spiritual seekers of all backgrounds are able to tap into a rich source of communal wellness insight and access non-judgmental support and accountability.

Our goals together are to be less alone, improve our well-being, make purpose out of our pain, and awaken to our unconscious programming.

So that we can be inspired to make choices that are in alignment with our integrity, be compassionate stewards of the world we are creating, and have some fun!