Village Wellness. a main line holistic acupuncture center in Berwyn, PA 19312

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Don't get sick! Holistic Medicine Tips for flu and cold prevention

Here are a couple tips to help you not get sick & if you do, how to move through it with grace ❤️.

1. Prevention

Sleep + Hydration + Good Food + Relaxation = Feeling Good

This is my not-so-secret-formula....We all know these, but sometimes we need to be reminded. Taking care of ourselves is not at the top of most people's To Do list's. It's the cheapest healthcare, but life is full, moves fast, and we forget to slow down. If you can take time to tend to these basics, you will beat off most colds before they have a chance to take hold.

2. Feeling Better

  • Acupuncture
    This is an AMAZING tool for strengthening the immune system and preventing a cold from entering your system. It's also extremely effective at kicking a cold out during its early stages! Book an immune boosting session online!

  • Lance's Magic Curing Tea
    Take at the very first signs of a cold! Drink this in the evening and go to bed early. It will make you sweat and you'll feel better in the morning. Main ingredients are: Ginger (heating), Cinnamon (heating & circulating), Garlic (anti-vital & anti bacterial), Black Pepper (moving) & Scallions (releases to the exterior).

    Heres the recipe! feel free to share!

  • Essential Oils: My all time favorite essential oil for cold busting and curing is inhaling the vapors of Therapeutic or Medicinal Grade Eucalyptus essential oil. It's anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and penetrates into the lungs and sinuses to open the passage ways.

    Note: I recommend getting some education about essential oils so you can use them well.

with lots of love,

Lance Isakov, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., CYT
Village Wellness. a little healing oasis on the main line.
(610) 203-3747