Village Wellness. a main line holistic acupuncture center in Berwyn, PA 19312

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Lance's Winter Letter 2023

Happy almost Solstice everyone, 

The Winter Solstice: the longest night of the year, the mark of the Winter season,  the day the sun reaches its lowest still-point before it rises and begins it journey toward Spring, is celebrated across the globe this Thursday. Although we are having our own little ceremony tonight ◡̈ cause we are so excited.

If we take our cue from Mother Nature, and we ARE nature, the energy of winter gives us a beautiful opportunity to find our own still-point, to pause, be dormant, and rejuvenate before our own rise back to LIFE. 

We are very much like the acorn wintering under the frozen earth, being still and dormant, waiting, and waiting and waiting…. for the temperature to begin  to rise and the sun to get a little higher in the sky….and as it does that little acorn begins to vibrate with potential energy until… one day… it can't take it any more… and BOOM! it explodes into life… and begins its new journey as an Oak tree. 

 As a culture we LOVE to skip the still part, the dormant part..I mean its unnecessary, a waste of perfectly good productive time...we have come so far…nature just couldn't understand… Right?

But what if we deeply, infinitely, trusted the inherent wisdom of Mother Nature? What if we didn't overcome the need for sleep, rest, stillness, but rather embraced it? What if we trusted our own body's cues for these things? What if we listened to the symptoms or signals that arise from our body asking us to slow down, be still, and rest? Perhaps its worth some experimenting… 

Here are 3 ways to practice stillness this season.

  1. Grown-Up Nap Time. Why on Earth did we get rid of siesta time? What would it be like to prioritize rest between 3-5pm (the time of day the water (winter) energy is at its hight in our bodies). How would we need to restructure our life to be able to do this?  Even if it's while we have off of work for the holidays or on the weekend, try out nap time - with nothing, no devices or screens or anything, just stillness. 

  2. Meditate: Set aside 20 minutes to meditate. Even, if you think you can't, with the proper instruction you can, I promise! Invest $50* and take my online meditation course that I made for everyone. *If you can't afford it let me know and I'll help you out - we never turn anyone away for financial reasons.

  3. Receive a holistic healing session: Whether it's acupuncture, bodywork, or energy-work, these healing sessions can help bring our entire system into a deep, unfathomable, place stillness and ease. Also, if you are looking…I think I know a place that offers these things… 😊

I hope you and yours have the most magical holiday time! Amidst the holiday hubbub, I hope you take advantage of the opportune to tune into Mama Nature, to tune into yourself, to get quite, still, and rejuvenate so that come Spring you can explode into life with new possibilities and abundance! 



P.S. This is a pretty quiet gift shopping experience..but don't do it during your siesta!… give your friends, family, employees, and even enemies the gift of wellness. Grab a VW gift card online. And thank you for supporting this little healing oasis ❤️